At Medimall IVF Clinic we are particularly sensitive to the issue of our dual social responsibility: the responsibility to provide quality medical and scientific services and the commitment to serve society. We believe that it is our duty to ensure the top scientific level of our human resources. On the other hand, we are aware of the social dimensions of medical care and we endeavour to give access to medical care to people who may not be able to afford it.

Developing our human resources

We urge and offer the chance to our medical, paramedical and administrative personnel to participate in conferences, meetings, seminars and other scientific training programs, on a regular basis, both in Greece and abroad. At a time when medicine is rapidlydeveloping, we constantly enhance the skills of our personnel, giving them the most suitable training solutions. Thus, our staff is constantly updated on the latest developments in the medical field and especially gynecology, IVF, diagnostics, surgery, etc. We listen to the pulse of the global medical avantgarde, urging our people to reach high professional standards in order to meet your needs and demands no matter how complex they may be.

Helping our fellow citizens

  • We offer our knowledge, experience and services in scientific meetings organized by municipalities of your region, with the aim to inform the public on health issues. At the same time, during such meetings, we offer a large number of free medical exams to citizens who face financial difficulties as well as to multi-memberfamilies.
  • In cooperation with the parish and the schools of our region, we offer free diagnostic exams to adults and children coming from poor families.
  • Every year we raise an amount of money to cover various needs of underprivileged families, under the responsibility and supervision of the municipal authority and other officialinstitutions.
  • We contribute to the sacred desire for a healthy childoffering free IVF treatments to women who did not have the chance to meet us earlier and have been troubled by repeated failed attempts.
  • We stand by and are ready to help sensitive social groups through our services and without any discrimination whatsoever.



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Σε συνεργασία με την επιστημονική ομάδα της Medimall IVF Clinic, οι ενδιαφερόμενες μπορούν μέσω του Pregnancy Probability App να μάθουν τις πιθανότητες εγκυμοσύνης μέσω όλων των πιθανών τρόπων (Sex, IUI, Natural Cycle IVF, IVF) αναφέροντας την ηλικία τους και τον δείκτη AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone).


Google Play: 1,89€


App store: 1,99€