The 4 steps of a complete gynecological checkup for prevention and timely treatment!

The 4 steps of a complete gynecological checkup for prevention and timely treatment!

Every woman from adolescence and the first sexual intercourse until the adulthood of old age should undergo a complete gynecological screening every year. The goal is to maintain her health and diagnose any symptoms, the timely treatment of which will prevent unpleasant situations and diseases. The audit should include:

1. Gynecological examination

During the gynecological examination, the vulva, lips and the entrance to the vagina are checked. The vagina and cervix are then examined for lesions, infections, abnormal secretions and anatomical abnormalities.

2. Test Pap

The Pap test is the collection of cells from the cervix and the sample is examined by the cytologist. Prerequisite for the test is that the woman does not have a period and has not had sexual intercourse without using a condom the day before.

3. Ultrasound

The gynecological examination continues with the ultrasound imaging of the internal genetic organs. Ultrasound measures the volume of the uterus, which varies from woman to woman, taking into account its history. The doctor observes the texture and composition of the uterus to find any pathologies (fibroids, polyps, etc.), as well as its anatomy for possible abnormalities (twin, double uterus, etc.). Then the endometrium is checked (thickness, texture, etc.). The imaging of the fallopian tubes is possible only in specific pathological conditions (hydrothorax). The ovaries are then imaged, their volume is measured and the existence of follicles during fertile age is confirmed. The ovaries are checked for possible pathologies such as cysts, solid formations, mixed cysts, etc. The surrounding areas are also checked for edema (douglas fluid) which could indicate infections or other pathologies.

4. Breast examination

During the annual gynecological examination, if a woman is less than 40 years old then the only palpation is performed, with the exception of the existence of a serious hereditary history, when a complete examination is recommended from the age of 35 or earlier. If suspicious areas are found on palpation, then an ultrasound or mammogram is performed. For women over the age of 40, the screening test is a complete screening that includes a mammogram accompanied by breast palpation. Breast screening is an integral part of the preventive gynecological screening and is becoming more important over time.




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