Urinary incontinence in women: causes and treatments

Urinary incontinence in women: causes and treatments


A phenomenon that seems to affect 2 out of 3 women at some point in their lives, urinary incontinence can be caused by different reasons. But the most important thing is that it can be treated!

The causes of urinary incontinence

The loss of bladder control is common and often embarrassing because urine leaks can be visible and it causes such discomfort that the woman’s quality of life can be seriously affected. As a rule, urine leakage is initially experienced as a simple annoyance, but in the long run, and usually after worsening, it turns into a deep psychological discomfort, which feeds the feeling of embarrassment and shame.

In addition, the widespread and mistaken belief that incontinence is only associated with aging contributes to the problem remaining hidden. Women who experience this problem often limit social relationships because they feel ashamed. That is why they may limit or avoid sexual intercourse.

Although it is true that urinary incontinence is not a health risk, it does significantly reduce the quality of life.

Early diagnosis of this disorder, can reduce the suffering and in many cases can be effectively resolved.

Factors affecting the problem of incontinence

Let’s look at the factors that increase the degree of incontinence:

  • natural childbirth is a factor that predisposes the woman to suffer from the disorder, as the pelvic area is particularly stressed (think of the perineal area, which is also often injured through episiotomy, the surgical incision during childbirth),
  • surgery on the pelvic area, first and foremost a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus),
  • Heredity, daughters of mothers with incontinence have 3 times the risk of suffering from the disorder,
  •  prolapse of the genital organs, including the bladder.

Ways of treating female incontinence

Nowadays, various treatments and techniques have been found and applied to treat female incontinence. The Medimall team suggests:


The G-spot is a hidden area of the woman that when stimulated causes orgasm. The G-spot is anatomically located on the anterior wall of the female vagina at 3-5cm from the entrance. Today the sexually active woman has the option of enhancing the G-spot by rejuvenating and inflating it with the new revolutionary G-shot method, which increases her sexual satisfaction while reducing incontinence.

  1. Gshot

The G-spot is a hidden area of the woman that when stimulated causes orgasm. The G-spot is anatomically located on the anterior wall of the female vagina at 3-5cm from the entrance. Today the sexually active woman has the option of enhancing the G-spot by rejuvenating and inflating it with the new revolutionary G-shot method, which increases her sexual satisfaction while reducing incontinence.

  1. PRP for vaginal rejuvenation

Platelet-rich plasma is a promising new solution for vaginal rejuvenation. Studies have shown that the success rate of PRP therapy in vaginal rejuvenation is 85-90%. The procedure is performed with blood that is collected from the patient’s arm and then placed and processed in special protocol devices to separate its components. Once the platelet-rich plasma is isolated, it is collected and injected at specific sites in the vagina. With the infusion of PRP, stem cells proliferate, and newer tissues grow, resulting in collagen genesis. Day by day the vagina is hydrated and gains its lost youthfulness, and the skin on the vulva emerges in a softer and more youthful way. The treatment is combined with RF radio frequencies.

Contact us to book your appointment at +30 210 77 11 600 or email us at [email protected]





Σε συνεργασία με την επιστημονική ομάδα της Medimall IVF Clinic, οι ενδιαφερόμενες μπορούν μέσω του Pregnancy Probability App να μάθουν τις πιθανότητες εγκυμοσύνης μέσω όλων των πιθανών τρόπων (Sex, IUI, Natural Cycle IVF, IVF) αναφέροντας την ηλικία τους και τον δείκτη AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone).


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